米國的食物,大多是fast food,所以下飛機的第一餐,不做多想,就是Burger...
經過了長途飛行+海關的摧殘後,痞子已經又餓又累,幾乎呈現可以吃下一條牛的野獸狀態... 所以當然要吃很大,又要吃很飽的東西,就在旅館附近晃了一圈,找到了連鎖店 In N Out burger
這邊的菜單很簡單,漢堡只有兩種,完全不用煩惱要吃啥。一種叫做Double-Double,另一種叫做Cheese Burger。
Cheese burger就是很簡單,一層Cheese,一層牛肉,加上一些其他配料製作而成。而Double-Double呢,顧名思義,就是Cheese跟牛肉都是兩層的意思。
"3-by-3" = three meat patties and three slices of cheese. (Cheese跟肉都各三層)
"4-by-4" = four meat patties and four slices of cheese. (Cheese跟肉都各四層)
"2-by-4" = two meat patties and four slices of cheese. (兩塊肉,四層cheese)
*Note: You can get a burger with as many meat patties or cheese slices as you want. Just tell the In-N-Out Burger cashier how many meat patties and how much cheese you want and that is what you'll get! For instance, if you want 6 pieces of meat and 10 pieces of cheese tell them you want a "6-by-10."
"Double Meat" = like a Double Double without cheese.
"3 by Meat" = three meat patties and no cheese.
"Animal Style" = the meat is cooked and fried with mustard and then pickles are added, extra spread and grilled onions are added.
"Animal Style Fries" = fries with cheese, spread, grilled onions and pickles (if you ask for them).
"Protein Style" = for all you low-carbohydrate dieters, this is a burger with no bun (wrapped in lettuce).
"Flying Dutchman" = two meat patties, two slices of melted cheese and nothing else - not even a bun!
Fries \"Well-Done\" = extra crispy fries . . . even better than the regular!
Fries "Light" = opposite of fries well-done, more raw than most people like 'em
"Grilled Cheese" = no meat, just melted cheese, tomato, lettuce and spread on a bun.
"Veggie Burger" = burger without the patty or cheese. Sometimes we call this the "Wish Burger."
"Neapolitan" Shake = strawberry, vanilla and chocolate blended together.
"with chop chillies" = 吃辣的可以加
"whole grill down or with whole grill onion" = 一整顆烤過的洋蔥,甜味會出來~
說實話,看完這些,真的令我回想到以前在附中後門的蛋餅伯,基本消費是一塊蛋餅,一顆蛋,但是你可以特別order "兩餅夾一蛋",或是"三餅夾兩蛋"。可惜這記憶中的好滋味,已經隨著蛋餅伯的去世,消失不見了,跟很透明的景美女中制服上衣一樣,僅存在過去的美好時光中。(我最近怎麼這麼愛亂寫... XD)
所以我點的是Double-Double, Fries well done (因為這間店的薯條你不叫他特別炸久一點的話,都偏軟) with animal sytle。所謂的禽獸品味,就是把cheese弄軟了之後,加上炒洋蔥、酸黃瓜一起,看你是要放在薯條上還是漢堡上都OK...
禽獸氣質,感覺跟超級春天(Super sprint)一樣可愛的翻譯(只有你這麼認為吧?痞子) 炸的硬梆梆的薯條(沒錯,過與不及,不叫well done的話,是全軟)上面淋著一堆cheese跟配料... 要我說實話,是口味真的很重、很鹹,還輸Ikea的薯條
Double-Double,兩層cheese,兩層牛肉,還夾了新鮮洋蔥、番茄、一片生菜... 漢堡味道就高明了一點,而且現做的還算好吃。(不過你也不要期待他會是手工漢堡等級的)
所以,更屌的來了,傳說中的大魔王,100x100,要怎麼吃,真的有人點過嗎? 請看這裡...
舊金山Bay area最美無敵海景餐廳: 懸崖上的Cliff House(2009米其林)
Lunchbox Laboratory 大人氣的漢堡實驗室 (但也是個大地雷)
LC鍋跟痞子這樣買: 在美國outlet買LC鍋 Second Choix Le Creuset鑄鐵鍋
[2012 Seattle] 有機健康的美國超市 Trader Joe's (美國牛真的沒有瘦肉精嗎?)
肥死人不償命的Denny's 大滿貫全壘打 (痞子最愛的hash brown)
[漫拍]Welcome to Seattle Downtown!
[不推不是人] Brunch界的億華-The Diner 樂子