今天的Screaming Metal專輯呢,為大家帶來,說好的 Skoda Superb Sportline Combi 最狂作品,就是這台白色,引擎改好了二階,底盤也改得不錯,而輪框據說是一季會換一次的程度呢(原來是跟服裝流行一樣,看季節改框的啊?)
This is the beauty that we're introducing today, stage 2 tuned Skoda Superb Sportline Combi. (all the works are done in Taiwan)
這組框是日本鍛造輪框的名牌 TWS 鍛榮社 出品
The wheels are from the big name in Japan, TWS, and of course they are all forged.
TWS eXlete 107M , 20x8.5 (J), ET30 這樣就可以完美的前後切齊。配上高檔的Alcon car97 煞車(380mm) ,搭配網路上大家一片好評的Dixcel type M 來令片,堪稱完美(只是20吋框的話,380好像真的太小 XD)
Wheel spec: TWS eXlete 107M , 20x8.5 ET30 (F&R)
Brake: Alcon car97 6 pot caliper with 380mm disc and Dixcel type M for the brake pad.
後面煞車則是採用國產 XYZ四活塞,同樣是380mm Rear: XYZ 4-pot caliper with 380mm disc.
輪胎則是搭配 Michelin PS4S (Pilot Sport 4S) 235/35/20 (F&R)
Tyre: Michelin PS4S (Pilot Sport 4S) 235/35/20 (F&R)
底盤方面,改了頂天的KW V3, 車身高度降的剛剛好,這樣的高度也可以天天開去買菜。 其他部分還順便改了Eibach 前後防傾桿、Hardrace 下拉桿。 (車主別名 台中劉青雲,建議大家下次在路上遇到,可以仔細看一下是否為真 XDDDD
Tuner put on the top spec of suspenson, KW V3, and make it the lowered look. It also remians the convience that owner keeps it as a daily drive, and won't be block by its low profile. To complete the drive experience, they also put the Eibach anti roll bars (front and rear), and Hardrace lower braces.
Skoda Superb Sportline Combi 的外觀因為沒有太多花俏的裝飾,降低之後就很有知性美。
至於引擎室內的東西,大家可能會更好奇,畢竟這是台跟GOLF GTI同樣規格的旅行車,要改多大就可以有多大。
For the secret under the hood, everyone is interested since it can be treated as Golf GTI.
動力相關改裝如下 (below is the spec)
改裝套裝/Package: AK Tuning Stage 2
DSG chp tuning: TVS Stage 2
NGK 考爾(Coil)、火星賽 Coil and sparkplugs.
中冷/Intercooler: Wagner Tuning
進氣/Intake: ARMA Carbon fiber intake system
當派/Downpipe: OTO customized
尾段/Exhaust: OTO customized
動力來到Stage 2,自然是猛爆很多(動力粗估330ps),外加DSG反應也夠快,整台車身動態已經大不相同,外加優異的底盤表現,也改善不少原廠Superb Combi尾大不掉的窘境。
Skoda Superb Sportline Combi 的配備、內裝基本上都夠了,所以能著墨的地方不多。
Basically, Skoda Superb Sportline Combi gaves the full options in Taiwan for the interior, so we don't have to worry too much.
這個Audi S系列的排檔頭,因為好看又直上,所以算是基本改裝。
The shift knob is from Audi S-series, it looks awesome and can be fitted easily. I think that's the reason why everyone has this in their Skoda.
suede wrapped steering.
全車交由台中的OTO Tuning完成
車友遇到,一定是先高跪姿拍照(這是一種儀式吧? XD
最後 再次感謝 Sportline家族成員: http://peace543.pixnet.net/blog/post/45817104
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